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Australian tourists biggest spenders in 2017

In 2017, Russians were the top visitors in the number of visitors to Turkey, while Australian tourists spent the highest amount with $1,312 per visitor. The share of Russian visitors among all foreign tourists to Turkey was recorded at 12.2 percent and the Russians were followed by German visitors who made up of 9.3 percent of the total number of tourists. The number of visitors from Western Asia countries like Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan accounted for 7.2 percent of the total foreign visitors.


According to a statement released by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat), Australians recorded the highest average spending by foreign visitors to Turkey in 2017 with $1,312 per visitor. The average spending by Japanese tourists stood at $1,008 and the Japanese were followed by the French who spent $839 per head in 2017. The Germans, according to the TurkStat data, made an expenditure of $685 on average while the British and the Russians spent $639 and $458, respectively, per head during their vacations in Turkey.


Australians and Turkish people living abroad also recorded the longest overnight stay among visitors to Turkey in 2017.